It was a relief to have the fragile and creased ancient photos safely captured, and they could now be viewed on the screen without disturbing the originals. I also had the huge fun of digitally removing all the dirty marks and white creases from some of them * , keeping the edited version as a separate file, with the original scan untouched. I revisited all the early years holidays in Cornwall, Devon and Wales * . There was a large collection covering the years after our move to our present house, and a detailed record of the creation of the garden, from totally overgrown * , to almost park like perfection, a slow journey of path laying, trellis building, and shrub and apple tree planting, as well as several enlargements of the fish pond. * Omission phrase "some (of) them" Note that "some other" uses doubling. * "Wales" Special outline, to distinguish from place name "Wells" which uses the Wel stroke * "overgrown "evergreen" ...