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क्षमा करण्‍यासाठी कृती योजना तुम्ही क्षमा करायला शिकण्यापूर्वी, तुम्हाला प्रथम क्षमा बद्दलचे काही गैरसमज सोडून द्यावे लागतील, तुम्हाला विसरावे लागेल या कल्पनेपासून सुरुवात करून.  "जसा वेळ जातो, आठवणी त्यांच्याशी निगडीत भावनांसह धूसर होऊ शकतात, परंतु आपण विसरत नाही, कारण ही घटना आपल्या लक्षात येत असल्याने, आपल्या अवचेतन मनावर, अनेकदा नकळत आपल्यावर परिणाम होतो," थॉम्पसन म्हणतात.  त्याऐवजी, क्षमा करणे ही सोडण्याची प्रक्रिया आहे, आवश्यक नाही की एखाद्याला हुक सोडू द्या, ग्रीनफेल्ड म्हणतात.  शिवाय, बहुतेक लोकांच्या सल्ल्याच्या विरूद्ध, अनेक उल्लंघने अशा गोष्टी नाहीत ज्या तुम्ही फक्त "काढू शकता."  ही निवड आणि सराव आहे, थॉम्पसन म्हणतात.  “जसे पियानो वाजवणे किंवा ध्यान करणे शिकणे, जर तुम्हाला मेंदूचे मार्ग पुन्हा जोडण्यास शिकायचे असेल, तर तुम्हाला हेतू आणि कृती या दोन्हीसह शिफ्ट सुरू करावी लागेल.  "मग तुमची पहिली पायरी काय आहे?  तुम्ही क्षमा करण्यास तयार असले पाहिजे, आणि ते “तुमच्या स्वतःच्या वेळेनुसार केले पाहिजे,” थॉम्पसन म्हणतात.  जर कोणी तुमच्यावर दबाव आणण्याचा किंव

भूतकाळातील चुका सोडून देणे तुमच्या अपराध्यापेक्षा तुमच्यासाठी अधिक फायदेशीर ठरू शकते

भूतकाळातील चुका सोडून देणे तुमच्या अपराध्यापेक्षा तुमच्यासाठी अधिक फायदेशीर ठरू शकते   "क्षमा करा आणि भूल जावो" हे प्राय: लक्ष्यहीनता से इधर-उधर उछाला जाते कि काही लोक हे मानू शकतात कि शब्दांना अमल लाना उतना ही सहज आहे. सत्य हेच आहे की या निर्देशाचे पालन करणे वारंवार करणे सोपे आहे. परंतु, हे कठीण आणि वेदनादायक असू शकते, क्षमा करणे चांगले मानसिक आरोग्य आणि अधिक फलदायी संबंधांसाठी महत्त्वपूर्ण आहे. आणि आता सुट्टीचे दिवस जवळजवळ आले आहेत, माफ करण्यासाठी कदाचित चांगले वेळ नाही.  राग धरून ठेवण्याचे विषारी स्वरूप क्षमा करणे ही कदाचित गिळण्यास कठीण गोळी असू शकते, परंतु राग आणि संताप धरून ठेवणे इतके सोपे नाही. “माफी न करणे हे विष पिण्यासारखे आहे आणि दुसर्‍याला त्याचा त्रास होईल अशी आशा बाळगण्यासारखे आहे,” असे लिंडसे हेंडरसन, रोचेस्टर, एनवाय येथील मानसशास्त्रज्ञ म्हणतात, जे LiveHealth ऑनलाइन अॅपद्वारे रुग्णांवर अक्षरशः उपचार करतात. कारण क्षमा न केल्याने तुमच्या भावनिक आणि मानसिक आरोग्यावर परिणाम होऊ शकतो. “गुन्हा गुंडाळणे आणि पुनरावृत्ती करणे - याचा अर्थ असा की तुम्ही पुनरावृत्ती करत आ

parliament steno dictation practice

    I wonder how many thank you letters are sent nowadays. As children we had to be reminded to write them, especially as, to the child’s mind, yesterday is gone and today is much more important * . It was good training to remind ourselves of the generosity and friendship of others, even if we had to be coached through it. Maybe it is the thank you email *  or text message today, although the recipient of a thank you letter does have something to keep, which will resurface decades later, to the astonishment *  of the now adult sender * . The letters below are the ideal excuse to provide very short and simple sentences which means you have a few extra seconds at fairly close intervals to catch up. This does interfere slightly with the overall speed measurement, as more of it is blank seconds, but the purpose is easier writing and therefore neater shorthand.

English grammar practice question set.........mpsc, ssc, clerk stenographer

1. “_____ her name Eliza?”  “No, _____ .” A) What / it isn’t           B) Is / she isn’                C) Is / it is not           D) Is / it isn’ 2. Is your surname Anderson?   A) Yes, you are.                B) Yes, it is                  C) Yes, I am.                  D) Yes, my is. 3. “Is she American?”  “No, _____ .” A) hers isn’t                B) she isn’t                 C) she is not                 D) she her isn’t 4. “____ their names Jack & Benny?”  “Yes, _____ .” A) Are / they are           B) Aren’t / there are           C) Am / their           D) Is / they’re 5. “Is your dog 2 years old?”  “Yes, _____ .” A) it’s                B) dog is                C) it is                D) its 6. “Is your elder brother married?”   “No, _____ .” A) brother isn’t                     B) he isn’t C) he is not                             D) she isn’t 7. “Are you from Senegal?”  “No, _____ .” A) I’m not                B) I amn’t                C) I are not                  D) I


ENGLISH STENO PASSAGE <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> I met lots *  of old family members, now passed away, via the efforts of my uncles as youngsters taking up the new and exciting hobby of photography and home developing *  of the prints. I met a few children I ought to know very well *  but who now seemed rather distant. They were, in fact * , actually us as babies, toddlers and young ones, captured in our adventures by our ever present amateur photographers, always on the look-out for a snapping opportunity. There I was, smiling happily in my pram (baby carriage), being held by admiring grandparents, getting chased along a beach by someone with a bucket of seawater, and sitting on that wonderful tricycle in a stripy jumper. Yes, it certainly was me but not as anyone knows her now, she was a fresh unwritten sheet, entirely without a


It was a relief to have the fragile and creased ancient photos safely captured, and they could now be viewed on the screen without disturbing the originals. I also had the huge fun of digitally removing all the dirty marks and white creases from some of them * , keeping the edited version as a separate file, with the original scan untouched. I revisited all the early years holidays in Cornwall, Devon and Wales * . There was a large collection covering the years after our move to our present house, and a detailed record of the creation of the garden, from totally overgrown * , to almost park like perfection, a slow journey of path laying, trellis building, and shrub and apple tree planting, as well as several enlargements of the fish pond.   * Omission phrase "some (of) them" Note that "some other" uses doubling.   * "Wales" Special outline, to distinguish from place name "Wells" which uses the Wel stroke   * "overgrown "evergreen"


Now that I had them all in a stack I had to consider how to properly *  store and display them again. They would have to be scanned first of course. There were *  other boxes of prints, which  had never been put into albums. They would have to be scanned as well, in order to be able to *  get everything in subject and date order. I also had some boxes of very old family photos inherited from relatives, ranging from small home produced efforts to large professional prints of special events. More careful high res scanning would be required for those. The job was indeed growing by the minute, as I rummaged about for every photo I could find in the house. A comprehensive scanning session was the priority, starting with the oldest ones, as nothing could be put into books until that had been done.   * "properly" Insert the first vowel, and the diphone in "appropriately" as they are similar in outline and meaning   * Omission phrase "there (w)ere"   * "in or